Monday, April 25, 2022

How are you a1michigankeithrants?

Thursday, September 27, 2018







Tuesday, February 13, 2018







Thursday, June 29, 2017


Thanks so much

Thursday, February 25, 2016



Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Saturday, January 27, 2007

An answer to inactivity

Mark wrote:
Why has it almost been a year since you blogged?????????????????
I don't know's a long story. Most of which is anchored to my April 6th post. My habits and addictions (News, Political) keep/kept my head so involved in this world...I feel I was losing focus on the next. I'm still not where I want to be spiritually, but I'm a little closer than I had been over the past several years (at least I feel I'm pointed in the right direction...albeit that I'm not stepping that way).
Your inquiry is ironic/ that same question has been on my mind a lot over the past 2 months. I've thought I would start posting again if I could stay focused on my life, family and spiritual matters...but I guess I'm afraid that I would backslide right back to where I was, because I would begin to vent on current issues and fall right back into it. I just really don't want to spend a lot of time surrounded by negative energy and thought.
Stuff is getting so ridiculous in our culture, I feel like I'm almost to the point that I'm just ready to write this world off and get on with the next. Don't misinterpret that as I'm depressed and thinking about something's quite the contrary. This effort to be fat, dumb and happy has actually lessened my stress levels and improved my thoughts.
At any rate...I don't know. I want to write...I want to blog...I just don't want to be in the place I was a couple years ago. I want my focus to be God, family and contentment, I suppose if I were more confident in my will power, I could try again...but I've been there before, and I know what my tenancies are.
Maybe I'll post this e-mail and see how it sits.
P.S.- Do you know when we went to dinner last Tuesday, that was the first State of the Union address I've missed since Bush Sr.? I'll admit that as soon as I got home, I asked the wife if she TIVO'd it for me. But I'll also admit that when she said "No", I wasn't terribly upset. And it wasn't an indication of frustration with Bush, I still stand by him...more so an indication that, along with the "Fat" and "Happy" part of that saying...I'm also getting closer to achieving the "Dumb". Ahhh...sweet freedom.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Goodness Sakes!!!!!!

Blogger is working well tonight! I really don't have anything to say...I just got on to make some template changes (adding Gugon's and Deb's links to the sidebar) and figured it would be a waste to not say something.

Tony Snow is Bush's new press secretary!?!? Hmmm. Interesting. I really, really, really like Tony Snow. Hmmmmm.

The Wife is doing pretty good over at her blog, eh?

Spent the day in Traverse City for work today...did some inspections, visit some media customers, ate lunch at Union Street Station. Had a cup of seafood gumbo and a grinder...mmmmmm, mmmmmmm.

Kelly Pickler just got voted off of American Idol. Mixed emotions here. While the audio quality of the show just went up...the scenery and entertainment values changed for the worse.

OK...This is really lame...I gotta go. Started a new Peretti book tonight; "piercing the Darkness". I guess it's a follow up to "This Present Darkenss"...not a sequel, but same concept from what I gather so far. Should be entertaining (when is Angels and Demons in Cosmic Battle not?).

Later Peeps,

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Answers, Comments and Questions

OK, so it's been a little while...let's get to it, shall we!?

We were in Kentucky over a long Easter Weekend...hence my absence from this site. I apologize to all four of my regular readers (nay...all 3 since apparently one wasn't so loyal and bailed due to this absence) for not supplying you your dose of pertin' near twice weekly musings of a rather weakly muse. Whatever.


Answer to Jody; who was curious if I would return to my regular television habits post lent. My dear sister...I would love to say "No, I will not"...which was precisely my thought when I read your comment nearly one week ago (on Good Friday). But since Easter Sunday, my viewing has increased...maybe doubled. Most of this due to catching up on TIVO'd shows that were taped while we were gone.

However, with that said, I do think I learned a lesson. If nothing else, I do realize that I clutter my brain with far too much noise to be in-tune to that "still small voice". Also, I need to be reading more. More anything...scripture, fiction, anything (other than more newspapers...I do too much of that). It truly is nothing more than a waste of time (most of the time). So while I do not intend to "log down the minutes in front of the TV", I do intend to cut much of it out of my daily routine. 2 hours a day is plenty...if I have more free/down time than that, I need to be at the gym, reading a book or playing with my kids.


Gugon...Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. Speaking of reading entertaining stuff...folks, this guy's blog is suspenseful/abstract/addictive, sometimes comical and almost always freaky weird. You have to read the story from the beginning...or at least from this point...about three posts in and you're hooked.


I'm seeing a lot of visitors from all around the country lately...Hey! Drop a line in the comments section! Say Hi! STAND UP AND BE COUNTED MAN!!!


Follow up to the South Park thing (my last post). Well...Comedy Central wussed out. What a bunch of slimy, spineless, yellow-bellied cowards they are. Punks. Do you know what they call people who mercilessly make fun of people that don't retaliate (i.e. the Jews, Christians, Mormons, Hispanics, Gays, Blacks, Asians and Republicans who are regularly lambasted on your channel)...but then freak out, turn tail and bow down to the fear of reprisal from people who may pose a physical threat to their safety (i.e. Muslim Extremists)?

Well...besides being the typical schoolyard bully...where I'm from, you're a P@$$Y A$$, Punk Faced, F@&&et B!%&H. Bunch of pansies. Cowards. Losers.


Had a party last night for a co-worker that is leaving us for warmer pastures. Mike & Pam are moving to Columbia South America...oops...I mean South Carolina. Bon Voy-a-gee my friends...we'll see ya' around February.


That's all I got for the moment folks. HEY!!! CHECK OUT DEB'S BLOG!!! Just started it. She's looking to keep you up to date with the household happenings, pictures of the girls, etc.

Out for Now...Peace!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Enemy of My Enemy is My Ally

While I DO NOT LIKE South Park...I agree TOTALLY with the sentiment in the article below...and therefore support it's creators in this endeavor.  Good Luck Gentlemen!

Check out This Article

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