Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Enemy of My Enemy is My Ally

While I DO NOT LIKE South Park...I agree TOTALLY with the sentiment in the article below...and therefore support it's creators in this endeavor.  Good Luck Gentlemen!

Check out This Article
Hey Keith-
Just wondering. Are you gonna go back to watching more television after Lent? By the way, thanks for the many flattering remarks you've written here about me. Whenever I hit rock bottom, I know I have a place to come to over here for just the pick-me-up I need at times. {wink} Happy Easter to you and yours from me and mine.


I just found your comment on my Necromerica blog and I had to stop by over here and say, “Hi!” and “Thanks for the kind words!” It is incredibly exciting to me to discover that someone is actually reading and enjoying what I write – especially since I am utterly clueless about how people gain readership for their blogs.

It’s also cool that you are a fellow Michigander (and from Gaylord, no less!) How funny that all three of my readers either live in Michigan or they grew up here. Hmm. Coincidence?

You have some interesting stuff here too. I’m going to hang out at your place for a while now and have a look around.

If you are still reading / enjoying Necromerica, please stick with it because it seems to be getting even stranger. And don’t hesitate to comment – sometimes the feedback is the only thing that keeps me going. And if you like it, tell your friends!

Thanks again!
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