Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Don't let the door knob hit ya' in the....

Check This Out

Now Liberals always want to say they are as patriotic and love America as much as conservatives...but then all this talk shows they'd be willing to leave the country, because they lost the election.

I would conclude then, they in fact DON'T love this country. If Kerry won, there is no other place on earth I'd want to go. I'd stay here and fight for what I thought was right!

Now tell me...what do you think of a man who says he loves his family...he and his wife have an agrument where he doesn't get his way, and he simply resigns to move out. Does he love that family, truly? Is he dedicated to protecting and nuturing that household?

Didn't they have a Baptism Bus in J.C. Superstar?


[edited for brevity]

This column was syndicated by Scripps Howard News Service on 11/03/2004

The Rev. Bobby Welch also knows that his flock's totals have crept higher in recent years. But he isn't gloating. He's worried about the fine print in the baptism pages of the North American Mission Board's "Strategic Planning Indicators."

"The last thing I would want to do is put down what people call the church-growth movement," said Welch. "We've got a lot of fine people doing fine work and we have some fine churches out there that are growing. But I do think that sometimes we forget that just because we have church growth doesn't mean we're growing the church.

"Sometimes, we get so focused on filling up our church buildings that we forgot to ask if we're winning any new people for the Lord."

This is the way Welch talks when he starts wrapping his soft northern Alabama accent around the scriptures, statistics and theories linked to his favorite topic -- evangelism. But the veteran pastor of the First Baptist Church of Daytona Beach, Fla., doesn't talk much about the kinds of large-scale evangelistic projects that grab media attention. His passion is for quieter forms of one-on-one persuasion that have a steady impact on church life.

That's why he cares that the number of baptisms has declined in Southern Baptist churches four consecutive years. What is just as disturbing, said Welch, is that the SBC's baptism rate had been parked on a statistical plateau since 1951 -- averaging 384,000 a year while the nation's population boomed.

Immediately after his June election as president, Welch announced a high-profile project to promote evangelism efforts from coast to coast and beyond. He got himself a star-spangled bus and set out on a 25-day, 20,000-mile marathon to visit each of the 48 contiguous states and, by airplane, Alaska and Hawaii.

The goal is to baptize 1 million people between June of 2005 and June of 2006, which would require a jump of 600,000-plus over last year's total of 377,357. The purpose of the bus tour was to get people to take this challenge seriously, he said, during a post-tour visit to South Florida.

"Not all evangelicals are evangelistic," said Welch. "They say they believe in evangelism, but they don't get out and do it."

The denomination's baptism statistics reveal other sobering truths. After the age of 11, it becomes increasingly difficult to win converts -- even among children in church families. Also, only 40 percent of the adults baptized into Southern Baptist congregations are true converts. The rest were already members of other Christian flocks.

Welch describes this in blunt language: "What that means is that we're not reaching the pagan pool. ... We're just rearranging the furniture inside the church."


Christians have all kinds of excuses for why they don't talk to other people about faith and forgiveness, heaven and hell, he said. It's easy to say that modern Americans believe that "soul winning" is rude and intolerant or that all religions are paths that lead to the same eternal destination. Truth is, some people don't want to talk with real people who are facing real problems in the real world, he said.

"It's no harder to talk to people about Jesus today than it ever has been," he said. "The problem is that we've been frightened away from even trying. We've become content to wag our finger at the world and tell it how sorry it is and how good we are, instead of telling people about the grace of God. We've got to get over that."

[Amen to that!]

Granted...While I don't necessarily have anything against it, I can't say that driving around in a big "Star-Spangled" Baptism Bus screams "Serious Commitment".


Monday, November 08, 2004


Read This and get irritated.

"We need to work really hard at reclaiming some language," said the Rev. Robert Edgar, general secretary of the liberal-leaning National Council of Churches.

"The religious right has successfully gotten out there shaping personal piety issues — civil unions, abortion — as almost the total content of 'moral values,'" Edgar said. "And yet you can't read the Old Testament without knowing God was concerned about the environment, war and peace, poverty. God doesn't want 45 million Americans without health care."

True. God would be concerned about people paying for steep medical procedures they can't afford, He's personal like that...but I would think he would rather have you put your faith in Him, then an insurance plan. And I would bet a million dollars, that the Good Lord would rather us stop the Genocide of the Innocent, then use recycled toilet paper.

"One thing Jesus was absolutely clear about was helping the poor, and the welcoming of strangers," Bouman said. "Maybe this election was a wake-up call to have a serious conversation about what morality means, to look at what sort of country we're becoming."

Mark 14, "While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head. Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, "Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a year's wages and the money given to the poor." And they rebuked her harshly.

"Leave her alone," said Jesus. "Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me.

I don't think Jesus had his priorities screwed up, do you? Therefore, I don't think he would blame us for first fighting against Genocide of the Innocent before we take care of the poor.

Proponents of same-sex unions, for example, believe it is moral to afford partnership rights to two men or two women who have committed themselves to each other and, in many cases, are raising children.

"We have a thing or two to say about the 'moral values' involved with permitting a couple who wish to build a life together to enjoy full legal standing as a family," said Ron Schlittler, director of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.

Similarly, abortion-rights advocates believe it is moral to allow the option of abortion to a poor, newly pregnant woman, rather than compel her to bear a child she didn't plan for and cannot afford to raise.

Have you ever heard such CRAP in your life!?!? Let's face it...as long as so called "Moral Values" are a leading decision maker...the Liberals don't have a leg to stand on. They just don't get it.

I have an idea for the poor, newly pregnant woman who didn't plan for and cannot afford to raise a child...DON'T HAVE SEX!!! If you are so morally loose that you absolutely, unequivocally, must get your rocks off...there are plenty of organizations that will give you preventive birth control in the form of Pills, Shots, Patches, Sponges and Condoms, FOR FREE!!! Imagine that!!! Then you can boink until your horny little heart is content, with out MURDER being one of the many consequences you're guaranteed to accrue by being so ignorant.

Then again, if you're this morally loose with your private parts, I suppose you need some big "Moral" Liberal, to be "Moral" for you, and do the "Moral" thing and allow you to kill your baby...since these same "Moral" people also practice a good bit of Eliteism...See, they know what's better for you than you do. Oh, and they won't have to deal with that hole Guilt and Disgust you're going to feel deep within your soul after you realize you just murdered a child because you just had to get your rocks off.

Man...Liberals irritate me.
Good Night,

The Dawn

God Speed Boys!

"You shall call no man on earth 'Father'..."

Funny Article...(not funny "HaHa)

They don't seem to want to even consider an idea that a portion of those who have left the Catholic church have become Born Again, or turned to protestant churches. Never mind the thousands of Restoration Mega Churches that are popping up around the country. It's as if they would rather people just think that low attendance in the Catholic church, would indicate these people left the Christian faith all together. Maybe slightly motivated by all of the "Moral Values" talk of late.

There's a fundamental difference between many (not all) Baby Boomers and Gen X'ers. Boomers did/do things (sometimes blindly) out of tradition. "That's the way we were raised...That's just the way we've always done things.". Whereas X'ers tend to question merit more proactively. X'er: "Why we doing this?", Boomer: "That's just the way we were raised.", X'er: "But that isn't right!", Boomer: "Well that's the way we've always done it.", X'er: "Well that's stupid...I'm not going to do it that way.".

This attitude...combined with the FACT that the Catholic Church has always believed and practiced "Exclusive Faith" rather than "Evangelical Faith" has spelled out the imminent collapse of this church.

Let's look at this more practically...I own a chain of stores that sell widgets. Fine widgets, that were invented back in 1940's. All my customers, aging though they are, have been with me from the get go, and love my widgets. But some of these new widget stores have been coming along with these new fangled widgets that are, I admit, more practical for the new century. But golly, my widgets are still valid...they still work...kinda. And if I started selling those new fangled widgets, my old customers that have been around since 1940 might become intimidated and stop buying my widgets. Nope, I can't have that...no new widgets here by God!

What's more...is recently, these different "People"...you know, folks not like us...they've recently moved into the neighborhood. Since they're not like us, and I don't want to scare off any of my loyal customers, I think we'll NOT serve them. They can find some other widgets elsewhere.

Flash Forward 20 years...

Well I got some bad news...I have to shut a few of my widget stores. See, I recently found out that some of my stock boys and even a couple of my floor managers were molesting little boys, sons of some of my best customers as bad luck would have it. Instead of owning up to it and throwing every last one of these guys in jail, I thought I'd just pay out some money to their parents, and maybe the problem would go away.

Huh! Go figure, turns out people don't want to shop at widget stores, where there are unrepentant child molesters. Well O.K....Fine then. I guess they'll just have to go with out my outdated, exclusive, rusty widgets. Yep, their loss!

Flash forward 10 more years...

Hey...What's with all these old people dying!?!? If these old widget customers of mine keep dying, I'll be out of business for sure. You know, being with out a plan for the future...not opening my doors to all customers...not reaching out and advertising [read evangelism here] to bring in new customers...and refusing to update my old and irrelevant widgets, may not have been a good business plan. Huh! Who da' thunk it!?!?

No...the truth is, the Catholic church is in the process of reaping what it has sown. There are sooooo many scriptural examples of this I can hardly sit still. (Not to mention the whole common sense side to it). Yet that article would rather you believe people are becoming less faithful. I couldn't disagree more. In fact I think (and the election would attest to it) that the country is infact becoming more conservative...more faithful. I think people are reassessing their world views, and rather than keeping "religion" and politics seperate...they are voting their beliefs. They are acting on their discomfort and personal values, and getting up out of those Catholic churches that say one thing and do another...that outwardly contradict scripture...that are more interested in protecting their own false image, then doing what they preach and owning up to and repenting of sins.

I would bet that if you took the exact numbers the Catholic church has declined by, and the exact numbers that Non-Denominational and Protestant churches have grown by (minus new converts), that number would be awfully, awfully close. In my Tuesday night bible study alone...of 16 adults, there are: 6 raised Protestant, 8 former Catholic and two raised in non-faith homes.

OK...I'm going to stop now before I say something bad. Anyhow...Just thought it was all interesting.


Sunday, November 07, 2004

'Piss Off' [sic] Europe

The below is copied from here:


The reason I provided the whole post below is because I completely AMEN this article. It's worth the read...go ahead...GO AHEAD....What are you wainting for! Read!

It's Good,

Believe it or not, it wasn't just rednecks who voted for Bush
By Mark Steyn
(Filed: 07/11/2004)

The big question after Tuesday was: will it just be more of the same in George W Bush's second term, or will there be a change of tone? And apparently it's the latter. The great European thinkers have decided that instead of doing another four years of lame Bush-is-a-moron cracks they're going to do four years of lame Americans-are-morons cracks. Inaugurating the new second-term outreach was Brian Reade in the Daily Mirror, who attributed the President's victory to: "The self-righteous, gun-totin', military-lovin', sister-marryin', abortion-hatin', gay-loathin', foreigner-despisin', non-passport-ownin' rednecks, who believe God gave America the biggest dick in the world so it could urinate on the rest of us and make their land 'free and strong'."

Well, that's certainly why I supported Bush, but I'm not sure it entirely accounts for the other 59,459,765. Forty five per cent of Hispanics voted for the President, as did 25 per cent of Jews, and 23 per cent of gays. And this coalition of common-or-garden rednecks, Hispanic rednecks, sinister Zionist rednecks, and lesbian rednecks who enjoy hitting on their gay-loathin' sisters expanded its share of the vote across the entire country - not just in the Bush states but in the Kerry states, too.

In all but six states, the Republican vote went up: the urinating rednecks have increased their number not just in Texas and Mississippi but in Massachusetts and California, both of which have Republican governors. You can drive from coast to coast across the middle of the country and never pass through a single county that voted for John Kerry: it's one continuous cascade of self-righteous urine from sea to shining sea. States that were swing states in 2000 - West Virginia, Arkansas - are now solidly Republican, and once solidly Democrat states - Iowa, Wisconsin - are now swingers. The redneck states push hard up against the Canadian border, where if your neck's red it's frostbite. Bush's incontinent rednecks are everywhere: they're so numerous they're running out of sisters to bunk up with.

Who exactly is being self-righteous here? In Britain and Europe, there seem to be two principal strains of Bush-loathing. First, the guys who say, if you disagree with me, you must be an idiot - as in the Mirror headline "How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?" Second, the guys who say, if you disagree with me, you must be a Nazi - as in Oliver James, who told The Guardian: "I was too depressed to even speak this morning. I thought of my late mother, who read Mein Kampf when it came out in the 1930s [sic] and thought, 'Why doesn't anyone see where this is leading?' "

Mr James is a clinical psychologist.

If smug Europeans are going to coast on moron-Fascist sneers indefinitely, they'll be dooming themselves to ever more depressing mornings-after in the 2006 midterms, the 2008 presidential election, 2010, and beyond: America's resistance to the conventional wisdom of the rest of the developed world is likely to intensify in the years ahead. This widening gap is already a point of pride to the likes of B J Kelly of Killiney, who made the following observation on Friday's letters page in The Irish Times: "Here in the EU we objected recently to high office for a man who professed the belief that abortion and gay marriages are essentially evil. Over in the US such an outlook could have won him the presidency."

I'm not sure who he means by "we". As with most decisions taken in the corridors of Europower, the views of Killiney and Knokke and Krakow didn't come into it one way or the other. B J Kelly is referring to Rocco Buttiglione, the mooted European commissioner whose views on homosexuality, single parenthood, etc would have been utterly unremarkable for an Italian Catholic 30 years ago. Now Europe's secular elite has decided they're beyond the pale and such a man should have no place in public life. And B J Kelly sees this as evidence of how much more enlightened Europe is than America.

That's fine. But what happens if the European elite should decide a whole lot of other stuff is beyond the pale, too, some of it that B J Kelly is quite partial to? In affirming the traditional definition of marriage in 11 state referenda, from darkest Mississippi to progressive enlightened Kerry-supporting Oregon, the American people were not expressing their "gay-loathin' ", so much as declining to go the Kelly route and have their betters tell them what they can think. They're not going to have marriage redefined by four Massachusetts judges and a couple of activist mayors. That doesn't make them Bush theo-zombies marching in lockstep to the gay lynching, just freeborn citizens asserting their right to dissent from today's established church - the stifling coercive theology of political correctness enforced by a secular episcopate.

As Americans were voting on marriage and marijuana and other matters, the Rotterdam police were destroying a mural by Chris Ripke that he'd created to express his disgust at the murder of Theo van Gogh by Islamist crazies. Ripke's painting showed an angel and the words "Thou Shalt Not Kill". Unfortunately, his workshop is next to a mosque, and the imam complained that the mural was "racist", so the cops arrived, destroyed it, arrested the television journalists filming it and wiped their tape. Maybe that would ring a bell with Oliver James's mum.

The restrictions on expression that B J Kelly sees as evidence of European enlightenment are regarded as profoundly unhealthy by most Americans. When one examines Brian Reade's anatomy of redneck disfigurements - "gun-totin', military-lovin', abortion-hatin' " - most of them are about the will to survive, as individuals and as a society. Americans tote guns because they're assertive citizens, not docile subjects of a permanent governing class. They love their military because they think there's something contemptible about Europeans preening and posing as a great power when they can't even stop some nickel'n'dime Balkan genital-severers piling up hundreds of thousands of corpses on their borders.

And, if Americans do "hate abortion", is Mr Reade saying he loves it? It's at least partially responsible for the collapsed birthrates of post-Christian Europe. However superior the EU is to the US, it will only last as long as Mr Reade's generation: the design flaw of the radical secular welfare state is that it depends on a traditionally religious society birthrate to sustain it. True, you can't be a redneck in Spain or Italy: when the birthrates are 1.1 and 1.2 children per couple, there are no sisters to shag.

What was revealing about this election campaign was how little the condescending Europeans understand even about the side in American politics they purport to agree with - witness The Guardian's disastrous intervention in Clark County. Simon Schama last week week defined the Bush/Kerry divide as "Godly America" and "Worldly America", hailing the latter as "pragmatic, practical, rational and sceptical". That's exactly the wrong way round: it's Godly America that is rational and sceptical - especially of Euro-delusions. Uncowed by Islamists, undeferential to government, unshrivelled in its birthrates, Bush's redneck America is a more reliable long-term bet. Europe's media would do their readers a service if they stopped condescending to it.

Can't Believe It!

Can't Believe I haven't Blogged.
Can't Believe W. Won! Wow!
Can't Believe Kerry Conceded! Wow!
Can't Believe Edwards Didn't Sob like a Girl!
Can't Believe we haven't heard from Michael Moore (thank God).
Can't Believe W. won Ohio, by nearly the same amount of votes he lost
Michigan by...interesting!
Can't Believe I only got 4 hours of sleep that night.

Can't believe you haven't read marcusthebronco and
seen his list of the biggest losers...it's entertaining.

Also...The "Crack Young Staff" at the "Hatemongers Quarterly" has been
on a roll lately. Check him out.

Much Love...and Eventually, Peace~

Article on Drudge

Y'all have probably already seen this...If not, check it out.



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