Friday, March 24, 2006

In southern Baghdad's Saydiyah district, gunmen killed four pastry shop employees, police said.

It isn't about rebellion.  It isn't about Civil war.  It isn't about insurgency.  It's about the blood-lust of a people who know only violence, hatred and death.  Mark down this date...Friday March 24th, 2006.  I will now finally admit that invading Iraq was a mistake.

HEAR ME CLEARLY:  The U.S. and her allies had EVERY REASON, both morally and legally, to do what was done.  Our mistake was living up to our moral and ethical responsibility, by doing so.

The headline of this post WAS NOT made up.  It is an actual report made in this article from the A.P..  So what is it that these "Freedom Fighters" were trying to accomplish by their jihad on the bakery?  Were they ridding "Allah's Holy Land" from the "Infidels" that preach the "Evil Gospel of all things Glazed"?  Or did Mohammed (Allah bless his great teaching) declare an "intifadah" against jelly and cheese filled danish because they actually brought people some sort of small joy in that God-forsaken part of the world?

I've thought it for a while, but am now growing ever more convinced that not only do these people NOT know how to be free, but they may very well NEED to be ruled by a tyrannical dictator to keep them in check.  If all that you know is fear and are comfortable amongst it, then what else would you recognize as an authority?

As Americans, we must recognize (this is going to sound extremely boastful, but I'm sorry, it's true) that we DO live on a higher moral plane than nearly all other it or not.  We are free...and in taking our freedoms for granted (as we do everyday) we can not comprehend that there are those who haven't the first clue on how to govern themselves by what is right and wrong.  For this sort of governing comes from our inalienable rights that all of those born in the US have never not known...thus don't think twice about.  Inalienable rights, which are endowed by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Oh...those who don't know the real constitutional history of our republic might not realize that).

There are people (the Iraqi's for one) that are so absolutely addicted to surviving from suckling the government teet, that they don't even know where to start being free.  I read an article last week that was interviewing Iraqi's and asking them about life in their country.  Several made the comment that it was better under Saddam, because their government handouts (their words, not mine) were more reliable then.  The new government and American Military are having a hard time getting their meals to them and (according to one man) under Saddam, he never missed a meal (he was, no doubt, Sunni).  Can you imagine!?!?  A man that would shun freedom to be provided with a daily meal???  I can not, for the life of me, understand this way of thinking?!?!?

It is for this reason that I will concede that we have messed up.  Assuming the same longing for liberty; the same spirit of freedom exists in all men was an awful miscalculation of biblical proportions.  But we are a nation that was at least formed under God, with motto's such as "Give me liberty or give me death".  Our forefathers would puke at such a sight that we now see before us.  Samuel Adams said this of such people: “If ye love wealth, better than liberty; the tranquility of servitude, better than the animating contest of freedom; go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”.

I will concede that a right-good number of so-called "Americans" are actually identical to this fashion of Iraqi, though they would neither admit nor recognize that they are.  I know that there are many that may take me as a blow hard, thinking this is easy for me to say, living a life of relative comfort and ease.  That being the case, I would accuse them of being the former in which I described.  For them to say such a thing would reveal that they do not posses this same spirit of which I speak.

So where do we go from here?  Notta' freakin' clue.  Can you imagine...a people who are liberated, then complain that captivity was more secure?  Sound familiar?  The Isrealites?  Food falling from heaven was not enough to create contentment among these people...they complained to Moses that life was better back in Egypt (yeah, when they were slaves) then under the freedom God had provided
(you see there Islamofascists of the world, you have more in common with the Jewish people than you thought).  Well we are not God and do not have the benefit of unlimited love, patience and resources.

So what do we do now?  Only one thing...pray with all our might, that the minority in Iraq will be strong enough to endure and pick up the slack from the pathetic majority.  After all, the American Revolution was only supported by a minority of the population (which was the catalyst for Sam Adams statement above).  Yeah, that sounds harsh...They (and maybe you) would be sure to say, "But you are the ones that came and did this to us!".  And for that my response is: Yep, we're sorry...we never should have came here.  We never imagined the vast majority of you would be the bunch of pathetic losers that you turned out to be.  Our bad there.  But you're going to have to accept the responsibility of allowing yourselves to fall as far into the pathetic abyss as you did.
Sorry W...I support you, but I'm also a realist.  We can not be eternal optimists here.  We need an aggressive plan to end this thing and leave these people to their own assured self destruction.  They ruined it for everybody...forget the spread of democracy, leave these people alone.  Let's get the job done, get the boys home, line 'em up on the border and revert back to the isolationism that were best at.  Next time when Tyrants rise, we send in a 3 dozen Seal lightning force and take them out.  No more grandiose ideas of doing the right thing...because we are the last people on earth that believe in doing it.  Screw the rest.

I know what you are saying - but fear that we are not getting the whole positive story on the good things happening. I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet. These are tough decisions for our commanders and I don't think there is any easy solution. I DO believe that Sadaam was a threat to us and had to be taken out.

Certainly, since many of these people have been ruled by brute force for so long, they may not appear capable to self govern. But nothing momentious happens in three years when it comes to establishing freedom. It took us how long to get to get from Plymouth Rock to 1776?

I still think you have a good point about many Iraqi's inability to stand up to these thugs.
Yeah, I know Marcus...A lot of my "retreat" speech there is from a sarcastic perspective. Of course I know we stay until the job is done...and as I said in the 2nd paragraph...we had, and still have, all moral, ethical and legal authority to do what was done. It's just tough being a people that "do the right thing" even when the "right thing" is an amazing sacrifice and challenge of resolve.

But Alas...we shall endure and let history be the judge. It's just too bad that in 100 years, all the media, liberals and nay-sayers will not be in heaven with us, so that we can tell them "I told ya' so". (Whew! that was funny!).

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