Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Lil' bit o' Snow!

This is the front yard as of this past weekend. Yep...we got a little bit of snow out there. As stated in the previous post, I'm on mids right now, so it's not as if I've had the chance to get out there and enjoy it on the snowmobiles. But fear not, as you can tell, it should be here for a while.

Hey there...just thought I'd let you all know that our yard has most of the grass showing right now. None of us have missed the mountains of white stuff up in your neck of the woods- just the good folk- like you! And mya I add, it was "refreshing" to have a politics-free post on your blog. (Tee hee...just kiddin'...I love reading the stuff that actually strikes a cord in someone's life...makes the blogging nice and authentic!)
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