Monday, February 06, 2006


Skim this article real quick.

Does this really bother anybody? I smell a little suspicion that this would be viewed as slightly akin to the whole muslim-offense-to-cartoon-gate. But

Big deal...I think it would be kinda cool. I feel every race/group/etc. should feel personally close enough to (the real literal new testement) Jesus to portray his image as something their comfortable big sin there.

I mean...the fact of the matter (that shouldn't be forgotten) is that Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew. He certainly WAS NOT the "Fair Skinned Blue-Eyed Honkie" that popular western culture has portrayed Him to be for the last 1800 years.

So when this guy says:

"It's more likely that Jesus was black than it was that Jesus was European,"

It's very the epiduris-color of your skin sense. Closer to the truth? Jesus probably looked (in physical appearance only) a lot more like Usama Bin Laden then 99% of todays christians would be comfortable with. (That was sure to raise a few neck hairs...but deal with it).

Anyhoo...wish me luck. Big curling night tonight.


Edited to add: I guess it should be said (in case this is the first post of mine you've ever read) I am a "Bought and Paid For" Born-again Evangelical Christian (and a neo-con too)...Just didn't want to get too many "Right-ons" from Elitest, secular lefty's.
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