Monday, January 23, 2006

Yeah...I'm still playin'

OK...I see a new feature here at blogger that was NOT here 6 months ago. I wondering if I ever needed image hosting to begin with (I know this time last year, you did. Hmmmm...let's try this:

Hey there, Keith...I'm glad you found my blog and commented so I could come over and catch up on you and your family too. Belated, but no less sincere, Congratulations on the birth of Baby girl #2. Only 3 more to go and you and Debbie will have caught up with us!! We miss our Tuesdays nites and all the fun and discussions. However, we are finding that God is using us where we are and our story still impacts people miles from where it all happened. Wyndham is doing so well- we are hoping she'll just keep on learning and growing. Anyway, I will be back, hope you keep coming over to my Nitty.Gritty. and feel free to pass the link on to any other friends who may want to stay updated on the life and times of the Ferlaak Clan. Hi to you and the rest of your beautiful family...take care. ~Jody
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