Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Hi All!

I had a previous post that didn't make the cut. All computers should be shut off at midnight and not allowed to return to service until 7:00 am. I was downstate at my folks, unable to sleep so I figured I'd blog a little. Aware that I wasn't thinking quite straight and too lazy to spell check, I saved it as a draft and would review it later.

Well...I just read it. What a load of crap! DELETE...Gone!

Anyhow, the trip down to the parents wasn't too good. In addition to celebrating the Holidays with them, we were going for a 50th Wedding anniversary party that was being thrown for some friends. 30 minutes into the party (and quite excited to see people I hadn't seen in years) we get a call that Bethany had "a little accident". Long story short here..."Little Accident" is interpreted as a 1" by .25" gash over her eyebrow. 5 stitches and many frayed nerves later, we're home.

I mean...Bethany did awesome. Did not shed a single tear until the stitches began. Poor thing thought she was in trouble for getting so hurt. She told my sister and cousin that they couldn't see the gash (she was covering it with a pair of pants) because "It is bad, you can't handle it". Not bad for 4 years old.

Anyhow...I really don't want to talk about it. Every time I thing of her gashing her head open, being all alone thinking she was in trouble...makes me sick to my stomach (literally). I'm not mad about it (at all!) I understand that these things do and will happen. But it's your kid...you don't want them to hurt...EVER! Ug. Here goes my stomach again.

I'm feeling real...uninspired at the moment. Ever get in those moods where everything is just blah. Everything is just more stress. On Monday morning, Deb turned on Fox news for me (which typically runs in my house for about 4 hours a day). I had to tell her to turn it...to something, "Meaningless and superficially entertaining...something simple...stupid. I don't want politics...bad news...nothing.


You ever watch "My Name is Earl"? Funny Stuff, that there show. Funniest new show on television. Whew...laughing just thinking about it.

That's better...shallow, simple. I want to be the "I don't give a bleep" guy. It's not in my DNA...but it doesn't change the want.

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