Thursday, January 05, 2006

Mark is on FIRE!

...bloggin' like a fool, he is...after a bit of a hiatus. Maybe him and I can keep each other motivated.

Check out his shameless rants as well as what will be his worship/music/all things Christian blog.

Below is my response to his inaugural post on his worship music his post first.

AMEN! I agree with you...and from the other side of the Isle! But the truest of all your points is the last sentence. The "Meeting of the Saints" should not be forsaken.

The mormon/episcopalian/whateveralien choir would put me to sleep. Now, crank Pillar's "You Can't Bring Me Down" to an ear bleeding level in my car driving down a rural road, and I am (literally) in tears, in awe and totally connected to my God.

Sounds like folly to some...but the Word says we must "worship in spirit and in truth". Truth to me, is not organ/piano/hymnal music. To (attempt to) worship by these means would be false (for me). However, as you said, I think the bigger crime/sin would be to forsake the meeting of the saints.

Therefore, you "suck it up" go to church and unite with your brothers and sisters. I agree...truer worship is done in private.

(Disclaimer- The "Worship in Truth..." point is not original [I'm not that smart] it's a jewel I got from my old minister/mentor from Jackson Christian Church, whom I'm going to pass this link to).

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