Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I Guess I'm Published

The GHT published my letter, albeit heavily edited.  I've had several review it and didn't think it was too bad.  I guess I can be a little over sensitive since ones writing is kinda like his "baby"...but I still think their edits detract from the essence of many of my points.  What really hurts, is they removed the "French Spelling" burn (see original linked below).

I admit, I often make outrageous statements...but they are generally preceded or followed by a qualifying statement.  They removed a lot of these qualifiers...which make some of my outrageous points seem like ignorant/harsh statements.

Oh well...let the hate mail begin!

In the interest of full discloser:

Frank Michels Original Article

My Full Response

My Edited & Published Version


Newspaper editors are generally fascists. They can take any ORIGINAL editorial then twist, change, neuter, spin and edit it however they wish - with no final approval from the author.

Newspaper editors are word Nazi's.

hahaha - how's that for a sweeping statement
I read your response that will be in the newspaper man. It sounded good. I don't think that it sounded out of line. Good work.
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