Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Ferlaak's

Hey All...

I recently...through a series of events...found the Blog of Jody Ferlaak. (I put a link over there on the right hand side also). The Ferlaaks were a family in the small group we belong to at church. However, Chip (the dad) is a golf pro...and moved on to greener pastures at a prestigious golf club in Grand Haven Michigan.

At any rate...those of you who know the Ferlaak's need to check out Jody's Blog. Those who don't, need to check out Jody's blog. I will not attempt to relay any portion of their story...because I could never do it justice. Check it out...you will be saddened, inspired, humbled and blessed.

Yo dude- yes- Ferlaaks blog is cool! I left a message last week on one of her later posts. I just laughted my arse off at your new profile picture. That is FUNNY!
Thanks for the plug. I am thinking of designing some, "Have you read Nitty.Gritty. blogspot today?" tshirts. I'll have to ship some your way! And I just want to add that I don't try to make stuff up for my blog either. God just keeps sending lots of material into my life for me to write about. Hope we can continue to inspire and humble you... and occasionally maybe even gross you out. Kids can do weird things with various body secretions- as you well know!!
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