Sunday, April 17, 2005

Romans 7:15

I was reading this post by a blogger up in Toronto I check out periodically. Check it out...a quick yet thought stirring post.

It made me realize...or rather just once again brought to the forefront of my tremendous lack of discipline in the matters of God. The very relationship that is the most important to cultivate gets continuously pushed aside by (what amounts to) minor distractions. What should be the very center of my life...the one thing that, if nurtured, would provide perspective and ability to all other functions, gets pushed aside to attend to said functions; i.e. work, family, etc.

Just a lame excuse, I know...but the very gifts from God I cherish most (family, work) end up being the main distractions that keep me from deepening my relationship with him. Ironic. Not to cast's my fault. My own self centered fault. A man that recognizes that all good things are from him, should be appreciative enough to start each day on his knees thanking Him for such wonderful gifts. But providing and spending time with these activities takes up so much time, that what time is left ends up being hoarded for my own selfish desires.

I realize this is sounding like whining...but that is not my intent. My motivation is confession. Admitting a problem is supposedly the first step to resolution. Yet, how many times can I admit something without taking corrective action (repentance). Damn this free of the most precious of God's gifts, yet the one that keeps me from growing in Him.

I have literally prayed the following, "Take my will God...replace it with a bit in my mouth and steer me like a horse"...but then I wouldn't be choosing him would I. And that's the paradigm...a loving parent who created us and wants us to CHOSE him with free will...yet because of the free will we chose our own selfish desires. But alas, thank Him for GRACE!!!!

The Grace...that's what makes it all possible. The ability for the wretched to share a table with the Almighty and be treated as children. I never truly grasped this until the birth of my own child. At 3 and a half years of age, she is the most frustrating (and enjoyable) thing in my life...but I would give up my life in a millisecond for her. Thank you Lord for helping me understand...Forgive me Lord for being a spoiled child. Once again Lord...the millionth request of a million me to depend on you alone.

15I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.

Keith..thanx for dropping by. I think you're being too hard on yourself.

We all slip...God will tell you I do! But He loves us and forgives us remember that and don't be hard on yourself.

For years I used kept a Gratitude Journal..writing down five things every day I was grateful for just before I went to sleep.

Nowadays while I lie in bed, upon waking, I just quietly thank Him for the gift of anotherr 24 hours to get it right, for all that I have and all that I have avoided, for my family, friends, for sight, for sound, for life. Anything that might have happened the day before I also give thanks for.

The reason I used to write it down was so that I could see with my own eyes every day, week, month and year how much I truly had to be grateful for, especially when I felt anything but grateful, when I was blinded by anger, or disappointment, or greed, or envy.

I know you can find five minutes each morning and at nite to simply say Thank You God for gifts.

There is a great book that I shares all the many different ways we can celebrate Sabbath as a way to acknowledge Gods presence and give thanks.

"Finding Rest Renewal And Delight In Our Busy Lives" by Wayne Muller. Published by Bantam Books. Im sure you can order it from Amazon.

"When we consecrate the time to listen to the still inner voices, we remember the root of inner wisdom, that makes work, and all life, fruitful. We remember from where we are most deeply nourished, and see more clearly the shape and texture of the people and things before us"

PS...Sorry about not winning the curling championships..but you had fun..and thats all that matters!

Be well...and remember God doesnt ask that we succeed...ONLY that we try!
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