Thursday, December 09, 2004


THIS is disturbing if it is true. I mean, I know it happens, but how much in this article could possible be sensationalized by an anti-war/Bush journalist (am I starting to sound like a paranoid Neo-Con?...OK, Good.).

Let me premise by saying that there is a little bit of personal responsibility (a little) on the parts of the vets. But if this is true, and widespread...than Mr. Bush, please listen very closely...this coming from a staunch supporter of yours, a fellow Born-Again Christian, a Veteran and a Patriotic American: There is NO other item on your agenda (NONE!) more important than taking care of these boys. I will not go into a long drawn out reason as to is (had better be) obvious.

How shameful is it that: Saddam would pay $10,000 and Hamas and other terrorist organizations provide housing and money to the family's of suicide bombers, but our boys can't get medical (including mental health) care and a place to stay, provided in a timely and efficient fashion by our Government.

Now, I'm not comparing these terrorists to our heroes...but the terrorists would. They see themselves as lawful combatants (though I don't). Well, there's no doubt our boys are Just Warriors...why should they not be treated far superior!?!?

I know I'm beginning to sound like a liberal here, but dammit, there are some Social Programs that would be well worth every tax payer penny spent on them. Here's the pipe dream:

The War-Veteran Just Compensation package:

Upon returning from a theatre of war, during war (War being defined by a popular vote of the tax-paying electorate); a Soldier, Airman, Sailor or Marine is to receive the following:

1. Free Medical (incident mental health) Care, from the Providers of their choice, for the rest of their lives.

2. A Job beit Private Sector or Civil Service, equivalent to their military job if possible, otherwise...Commensurate with their knowledge skills and abilities that pays well into the Middle Class Median Income or at least 3 times minimum wage, that has an equally commensurate retirement package.

3. A Federal Tax Abatement...for LIFE!

4. 100% Free Burial Expense at the cemetery of their (or their next of kin's) choice.

5. Free Vehicle Registration and Car insurance for the rest of their driving life.

6. Complimentary Coffee at every restaurant in the United states. 5 & 6 aren't a deal breaker, but would be nice.

How we going to pay for this you ask? Does it really matter?

1. Get rid of all the other worthless social programs in this country, and cut back some of the FAT in the congress and Senate...yep, that ought to do it.

If not:

2. Collect a $2 tax from every living American once a year (since everyone of us have a vested interest in our veterans, and live and breath under the freedom that they have provided). This would raise an estimated $571,339,830 annually. (Based on a December 5th 2001 population estimate of 285,669,915). Yep, that ought to do it...If not, Tax the liberals (or anyone who consistently voted Democrat) $10 annually. They ought to appreciate the contributions of our boys more than others, since it's the direct sacrifice of our boys that affords them the opportunity to spew the moronic garbage that constantly flows from their pie holes.

And one other caveat to the program...a constitutional amendment, that if ANY politician misappropriates funds from this program, or suggests to borrow from it, or otherwise screws with it, be punished via electric chair.

OK...That's about it for now.
Awesome post Keith, and the Pipe Dream is great! It just kills me that our boys - our VETS - are not being taken care of. And yet, this country, spends MILLIONS of dollars on medical care for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!

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