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Monday, June 21, 2004
Speaking of RNJ (redneck Joe)
He, just last week, returned the spare tire to me he was going to borrow for "A couple days"...Yeah, that was in February. Technically, it wasn't even my tire. He said he noticed I was driving my truck more lately, so he "stole" a tire from his brothers truck for "me to use" until he got mine off his Bronco. OK Joe, So you jacked up your brothers truck, pulled off a tire for me to use, until you get mine off your truck? Did the thought cross your mind to put that tire of your brothers on your Bronco and return my tire to me while you had the jack out and handy? Then we could forego this hole tire swapping scheme that will surely take until NEXT June to accomplish!
Whilst (there it is again) we're on the subject of RNJ: We thought we were making progress last week (after the county has invoked the nuisance ordinance on RNJ concerning no less than 12 non-functional vehicles in his front yard). He moved four vehicles (including the big panel truck) to the back yard! We thought it was in response to the 17 neighbors who daily report to the township about the mess in his yard, but then the next day we see the trailer of an 18 wheeler parked out on the road. He (and his 8 months pregnant wife) are unloading boxes upon boxes into what was the vacant space left by the now absent vehicles.
"Whatcha' doing Joe?" I inquire. "Oh, got a BIG job" (Joe relapses light bulbs in commercial properties), "Thar's 50 thousand Bub's here!".
(All in cardboard boxes with rain on the way...someone shoot me now please!).
There's no winning with this guy...oh well.
Whilst (there it is again) we're on the subject of RNJ: We thought we were making progress last week (after the county has invoked the nuisance ordinance on RNJ concerning no less than 12 non-functional vehicles in his front yard). He moved four vehicles (including the big panel truck) to the back yard! We thought it was in response to the 17 neighbors who daily report to the township about the mess in his yard, but then the next day we see the trailer of an 18 wheeler parked out on the road. He (and his 8 months pregnant wife) are unloading boxes upon boxes into what was the vacant space left by the now absent vehicles.
"Whatcha' doing Joe?" I inquire. "Oh, got a BIG job" (Joe relapses light bulbs in commercial properties), "Thar's 50 thousand Bub's here!".
(All in cardboard boxes with rain on the way...someone shoot me now please!).
There's no winning with this guy...oh well.