Saturday, June 19, 2004

Mis-directed anger? Anger at all?

People are still pissed about the naked pictures of Iraqi prisoners (which are horrible) but seem to have brushed off the brutal beheading of another American. Whatsupwiththat?

Apparently, this man was not only beheaded, but then posed pictures were taken...they set his head on the back of his lifeless body, jammed a knife in his eye and then took pictures! WHO COULD DO THIS!?!?!?

What's more, is this man was, if not converted, in the process of becoming Islamic. He had been living in and working in Saudi Arabia for years. His family said he considered Saudi his home and he loved the people.

Make no mistake about it...this murder was a racist murder. This man was brutally murdered for the simple fact that he was a Caucasian, and just happened to be born in America.

No one wants to compare the war against terror to WW2, but why not!?!? What was Hitler doing? Trying to eradicate a race he thought to be a cancer on the earth (the jews). Sound familiar? These people think we...not our government, not G.W.B., not just Christians...ALL of us, YOU and ME are a cancer and want to eradicate us. That is FACT.

And now Vladimir Putin has released information he shared with US intel (after 911 and long before gulf war II) that states Saddam was planning strikes against (and inside) the U.S.A.. The CIA has IN CUSTODY terrorists that admit to having sought after WMD from Saddam, and yet a good portion of Americans are not supporting the current administration and the war against terror. WHY?

Do these ignorant people think that for some reason, an Islamic terrorist wouldn't do the same to them just because they don't support GWB? THEY (the terrorists) DON'T CARE!!! They just beheaded a human being that had dedicated his life to living and working amongst them! It is no different than the ignorant KKK attitude toward blacks. Klansmen want to destroy a people because the color of their skin...same thing. You're white (black, red, don't matter), you were born in America, they want you dead...end of story.

It's time people. Support the only administration that has dedicated itself to fighting this evil, or shut your piehole.

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