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Saturday, June 12, 2004
Libative? Conservibal?
The labels "Conservative" and "Liberal" have completely lost all relevance in terms of politics in this country. They really make no sense when used in terms of political stance or Republican vs. Democrat.
If you're true to your all encompassing world view, how can you be labeled either? From a secular view point I would be considered not only "Conservative" but probably (another label I find laughable) part of the "Religious Right". My Christian brothers and sisters would consider my standards radically liberal (Anything is permissible for me, but nothing shall be my master). To go into details would be too lengthy for this forum, ask for clarification if needed. So where do I stand? What am I? A "Conservibal"?
What was Jesus? Today, his followers are almost exclusively labeled as conservatives. In his day, he was considered by the conservatives of the time (Pharisees & Saducees) to be terrifically and radically liberal. These dudes lived and died by their laws, such as dietary and cleansing laws. He called them out on the carpet about most of their personal standards. He would probably be considered (back then, but in today's terms) to be a tree hugging, granola munchin', full fledged hippy.
But he never really insisted or mandated that people drop their personal convictions or standards...just that you remained true to your God in all you did, whatever you did...and to love others while you did it...the true show of love: to put someone else's personal standards above your own.
What do so called liberals preach? Open mindedness? Sure...unless your asking them to honor someone else right to express their religious views, unless your asking them to honor someone's constitutional right to bear arms, unless your asking them to honor the Constitutional mandate that ALL men be given the RIGHT TO LIFE (abortion ignores this mandate), etc. Yes they'll honor your opinion or perspective, providing it's the same as their own...otherwise it's off to court.
It's time to play WWLD (what would a "liberal" do). A man stands in a peaceable manner in a public forum holding a sign that states "Jesus is Dead". Well...he's got the right to voice that if that's what he believes. You can not oppress free speech. That's his view and even if he's wrong, he is protected by law to voice that view point.
Now: A man stands in the same manner in the same forum holding a different sign that reads "Allah is Dead". Hate speech? Inciting hatred? Oppressing Islam? Violating the civil liberties of others?
More factual: A church group displays a religious scene in a public forum on a religious holiday of a baby purportedly birthed by a virgin mother. ACLU must mobilize because someone (surely we can find ONE person) who is offended by this and may be made uncomfortable.
OK...turn about is fair play. Jesus touched lepers, ate meals with sinners, emphathized with prostitutes, hung out with drunks, etc. How come so many of his people vehemently abuse gays verbally, some physically (though I would argue anyone that physically attacks someone doesn't know Jesus). Or why is it that homosexuality is viewed as so much more terrible then drunkenness, adultery, lying, obesity, etc. Sin is Sin...period. And we are ALL guilty of it...EVERYONE! We all have our hang ups, why are we busy pointing out slivers in someone else's eye, when there are planks in our own. I am not sympathizing nor do I agree with the political movement of gays in our culture. I'm just shedding a little light on the fact that God is just as unhappy with your judgment of a person who struggles with homosexuality, as he is the homosexual. He's just as unpleased with the fact that I don't know when I've eaten enough pizza as he is with the guy that's had 1 too many beers.
I know it's hard for our human, ego driven minds to accept that, but it's true folks. It's nice to be able to look at others and think, "Gee, I don't have THAT problem, I'm not as bad as that guy."'s comforting. It helps us think we're doing something right. But it's WRONG. Billy Graham, Pope John Paul, Mother Theresa and Ronald Reagan have not/will not/can not earn their way into heaven. It's just impossible, and that's a fact.
On the same premise, neither the so-called liberals or the so-called conservatives have all the answers and are any better than the other. ALL of us need to live by the golden love others as ourselves. That includes not dictating to me the way I should live my life. I am going to celebrate CHRISTmas on CHRISTmas. I'm going to own as many guns as I want. I'm going to tell whoever I want to about Jesus wherever and whenever I feel moved to do so. If they don't want to hear it, they can ask me to shut up...and I will. I won't walk away thinking, "Poor sinner, maybe someday Lord willing they will be as good as me." (I think God would have more respect for the one who spoke their mind and told me to shut up).
Anyhow, back to the political...We have obviously now learned it to be false, the idea that when so-called Conservatives are in control of multiple branches of government, that the size of government as well as spending will be down. That's funny (this coming from a Bush supporter). Yes, we are in a time of war and defense spending is astronomical, but numbers show that domestic spending is higher than it's ever been as well.
The vast majority on both sides of the aisle have not been raised like you and I. The VAST majority of politicians on both sides don't have the first damn clue of what it means to work for a living, to struggle to find a way to pay for college, to not know if you're going to have enough money to make a car payment or feed your family. There are barely any of them left that have served in the military and put their service where their mouth is. It's easy to send boys into battle if you don't have an intimate idea of what battle is like. And I, as a veteran, am also offended by equally unknowledgable college students protesting a war they will never fight...pick up a gun and support your country, or shut your pie hole.
Now to contradict all this "no one should tell someone else how to live" business, (you'd think I was a liberal) I'll say:
The bottom line folks is this...let's stop looking to these politicians and so called leaders to rectify things in our country. Turn off the TV and talk to your neighbors. Expose yourself to as many different view points as there are, get in touch with God and let him lead you to your own personal standards, then live by them. No one likes a phoney, and every last politician is one to at least some extent. Decide what is best for your family then hold YOURSELF (no one else) to that standard.
Well, what was to be a political commentary has turned into a sermon. I'm sorry about that, but folks...the question for the ages is: When are we going to stop what we're doing and start listening to the all wise words of the great prophet Hank Williams Sr. as he so perfectly put it, "Why don't you mind your own business...'cause if you mind your own business, you won't be minding mine!".
Amen Hank, God Bless you!
If you're true to your all encompassing world view, how can you be labeled either? From a secular view point I would be considered not only "Conservative" but probably (another label I find laughable) part of the "Religious Right". My Christian brothers and sisters would consider my standards radically liberal (Anything is permissible for me, but nothing shall be my master). To go into details would be too lengthy for this forum, ask for clarification if needed. So where do I stand? What am I? A "Conservibal"?
What was Jesus? Today, his followers are almost exclusively labeled as conservatives. In his day, he was considered by the conservatives of the time (Pharisees & Saducees) to be terrifically and radically liberal. These dudes lived and died by their laws, such as dietary and cleansing laws. He called them out on the carpet about most of their personal standards. He would probably be considered (back then, but in today's terms) to be a tree hugging, granola munchin', full fledged hippy.
But he never really insisted or mandated that people drop their personal convictions or standards...just that you remained true to your God in all you did, whatever you did...and to love others while you did it...the true show of love: to put someone else's personal standards above your own.
What do so called liberals preach? Open mindedness? Sure...unless your asking them to honor someone else right to express their religious views, unless your asking them to honor someone's constitutional right to bear arms, unless your asking them to honor the Constitutional mandate that ALL men be given the RIGHT TO LIFE (abortion ignores this mandate), etc. Yes they'll honor your opinion or perspective, providing it's the same as their own...otherwise it's off to court.
It's time to play WWLD (what would a "liberal" do). A man stands in a peaceable manner in a public forum holding a sign that states "Jesus is Dead". Well...he's got the right to voice that if that's what he believes. You can not oppress free speech. That's his view and even if he's wrong, he is protected by law to voice that view point.
Now: A man stands in the same manner in the same forum holding a different sign that reads "Allah is Dead". Hate speech? Inciting hatred? Oppressing Islam? Violating the civil liberties of others?
More factual: A church group displays a religious scene in a public forum on a religious holiday of a baby purportedly birthed by a virgin mother. ACLU must mobilize because someone (surely we can find ONE person) who is offended by this and may be made uncomfortable.
OK...turn about is fair play. Jesus touched lepers, ate meals with sinners, emphathized with prostitutes, hung out with drunks, etc. How come so many of his people vehemently abuse gays verbally, some physically (though I would argue anyone that physically attacks someone doesn't know Jesus). Or why is it that homosexuality is viewed as so much more terrible then drunkenness, adultery, lying, obesity, etc. Sin is Sin...period. And we are ALL guilty of it...EVERYONE! We all have our hang ups, why are we busy pointing out slivers in someone else's eye, when there are planks in our own. I am not sympathizing nor do I agree with the political movement of gays in our culture. I'm just shedding a little light on the fact that God is just as unhappy with your judgment of a person who struggles with homosexuality, as he is the homosexual. He's just as unpleased with the fact that I don't know when I've eaten enough pizza as he is with the guy that's had 1 too many beers.
I know it's hard for our human, ego driven minds to accept that, but it's true folks. It's nice to be able to look at others and think, "Gee, I don't have THAT problem, I'm not as bad as that guy."'s comforting. It helps us think we're doing something right. But it's WRONG. Billy Graham, Pope John Paul, Mother Theresa and Ronald Reagan have not/will not/can not earn their way into heaven. It's just impossible, and that's a fact.
On the same premise, neither the so-called liberals or the so-called conservatives have all the answers and are any better than the other. ALL of us need to live by the golden love others as ourselves. That includes not dictating to me the way I should live my life. I am going to celebrate CHRISTmas on CHRISTmas. I'm going to own as many guns as I want. I'm going to tell whoever I want to about Jesus wherever and whenever I feel moved to do so. If they don't want to hear it, they can ask me to shut up...and I will. I won't walk away thinking, "Poor sinner, maybe someday Lord willing they will be as good as me." (I think God would have more respect for the one who spoke their mind and told me to shut up).
Anyhow, back to the political...We have obviously now learned it to be false, the idea that when so-called Conservatives are in control of multiple branches of government, that the size of government as well as spending will be down. That's funny (this coming from a Bush supporter). Yes, we are in a time of war and defense spending is astronomical, but numbers show that domestic spending is higher than it's ever been as well.
The vast majority on both sides of the aisle have not been raised like you and I. The VAST majority of politicians on both sides don't have the first damn clue of what it means to work for a living, to struggle to find a way to pay for college, to not know if you're going to have enough money to make a car payment or feed your family. There are barely any of them left that have served in the military and put their service where their mouth is. It's easy to send boys into battle if you don't have an intimate idea of what battle is like. And I, as a veteran, am also offended by equally unknowledgable college students protesting a war they will never fight...pick up a gun and support your country, or shut your pie hole.
Now to contradict all this "no one should tell someone else how to live" business, (you'd think I was a liberal) I'll say:
The bottom line folks is this...let's stop looking to these politicians and so called leaders to rectify things in our country. Turn off the TV and talk to your neighbors. Expose yourself to as many different view points as there are, get in touch with God and let him lead you to your own personal standards, then live by them. No one likes a phoney, and every last politician is one to at least some extent. Decide what is best for your family then hold YOURSELF (no one else) to that standard.
Well, what was to be a political commentary has turned into a sermon. I'm sorry about that, but folks...the question for the ages is: When are we going to stop what we're doing and start listening to the all wise words of the great prophet Hank Williams Sr. as he so perfectly put it, "Why don't you mind your own business...'cause if you mind your own business, you won't be minding mine!".
Amen Hank, God Bless you!