Sunday, June 20, 2004

I beg your forgiveness.

Anybody who has read my thoughts in the past will realize the posts below are not put together terribley well. I'm on midnights right now, and for whatever reason, my brain refuses to engage on this shift. I encourage you to check out the some of the archives on the left, where I have some older musings that seemed to have struck a chord with folks in the past.

But for the time being, I'll just need to stumble along in this intellectual fog that is my life for the next 7 days. It doesn't help that I'm working with a country music fan (using the word 'country' very loosely here) on this string. I mean, not any of the decent stuff either. We're listening to the likes of Alan Jackson and Tracey Lawrence...eee ghads...I'm chewing like 4 pieces of Nicorette just to keep from screaming.

This is the kinda crap that makes one angry...folks at work here think the likes of Project 86, Chevelle, Stain'd sound angry or insite anger...that stuff soothes me! It's this whiney, faux-country that gets the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. Osama is lucky he's not with in arms reach...I could snap his neck like a chicken bone at this moment....AAAAGGGGGG! SOMEONE SAVE ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!! (man, this guys voice is annoying). There's 6 more songs on this CD...I don't think I'm going to make it.

Gotta go to the bathroom...a little time with the Sears Tool catalog should soothe me some.


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