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Sunday, April 20, 2003
Natalie Maines is OFF my list!
The following was my answer to a very good (and "liberal") friend who agreed with an NPR editorial that was sympathetic to Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chics, and thought ill of the negative publicity she recieved after her comments in Europe. I HIGHLY encourage you listen to the NPR editorial referred to in this piece to gain both perspectives. Click link below and scroll down to article, "Dixie Chics Dust Off".
The outrage directed at Natalie Maines had little to do with her comments, and most everything to do with WHERE her comments were stated. Most EVERY American absolutely agrees with the right of one to dissent...IN AMERICA. To state this happened in OUR republic is far from the truth. The incident that perpetuated this happened on foreign soil. THAT is at the crux of the issue. The fallout of her statement is happening in our republic.
To argue, complain and air grievance about ones family in the presence of that family is absolutely normal and to be expected. To go to a foreign setting and complain about your family is at the very least an exercise in poor taste and in my perspective borderline treacherous.
If my wife, Deborah, is disgusted and ashamed of me because I pick my nose and belch; it is perfectly acceptable that she voices those complaints to me. It is understandable when she voices those complaints with our her mother...etc.
It would be abhorant for her to bring those matters up in a foreign, non family setting, say like a church function. What do we think of people that air their family matters on the Jerry Springer show?
Another thought that comes to mind is this. Liberals would want to protect the speech of Natalie Maines...then why not also protect the speech of those who oppose Natalie Maines? Is either perspective more legit than the other.
Furthermore, it's of interesting note that these comments came from a person who has never fought for anything in her life. The Dixie Chic's began to fight Sony music for unfair business dealings and had the momentum and clout to really make a difference in Nashville and for the rest of the recording industry. But then settled for an "Undisclosed Offer" as their suit was picking up speed and spent time thanking their music company who is "So Great" as they were picking up an ACM award.
They also promoted their CD "Home" as an album to return to "their roots" and performed totally acoustic..."Their Way", whether it got popular support or not. Well it did, and now they have re-mixes of their "Root" music complete with added electronica playing on pop music radio stations, (I.E. they changed the music for wider acceptance in top 40). Yes, I know these points are trite, but they are made to suggest that "Liberals" may want to pick someone else as their Champion of free speech as it is obvious that Natalie Maines and the Dixie Chics know nothing of principle and integrity (let alone foreign policy). Which leads to the question: Was Ms. Maines comments made to voice her opinion? Or in an attempt to gain popular support and shed any foreign held hatred for America in hopes for a successful European tour...It's pretty obvious that their motivation is monetary and populatrity as their business dealings indicate.
As far as this being fear (communist) tactics to silence one in dissent, that is an outrageous claim. It is obvious to anyone with a TV or radio that opposition to the war is getting far more air time on the big 3 networks (particularly with Peter Jennings who can't speak of the administration without turning up his nose) than those in support of the action. Which, as indicated by polls this morning, is running 71%
Take a moment to read (what has been purported as) an open letter to Ms. Natalie Maines from a Naval Officer (copied below). I don't know if it's legit, but it certainly states the perspective of a lot of Americans that have the same right to Free Speech as the Dixie Chics.
Isn't this a great country, that we can have this kind of dialogue!?!?
Your fellow American and fellow ESTP
Name: LT. Layne McDowell
Date: 03/15/03 Time: 01:54:49 PM
Comment: An open letter to the Dixie Chicks
Earlier this week, while performing in London, you stated that you were ashamed that our President is from your home state. I wonder if you realized how many Americans would be listening. This American was listening.
This Texan is ashamed that you come from my state. I serve my country as an officer in the United States Navy. Specifically, I fly F-14 Tomcats off carriers around the world, executing the missions that preserve the very freedom you claim to exercise.
I have proudly fought for my country in the skies over Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan without regret. Though I may disagree wholeheartedly with your comments, I will defend to the death our right to say them, in America. But for you to travel to a foreign country and publicly criticize our Commander in Chief is cowardice behavior.
Would you have so willingly made those comments while performing for a patriotic, flag-waving crowd of Texans in Lubbock? I would imagine not.
How dare you pocket profits off songs about soldiers, their deaths and patriotism while criticizing their Commander in Chief abroad, even while they prepare to give their lives to ensure your own freedom of speech.
Please ask yourself, what have you done to deserve that sacrifice? Do not try to justify your comments by claiming that you made them only because you care about innocent lives. Never once in our history have we committed troops to war for the purpose of taking innocent lives. We do it to protect innocent lives, even yours.
If the world leaders of the late 1930's had the vision and courage of our present Commander in Chief, perhaps the evil men who caused the death of millions in WWII would have never had the opportunity to harm a soul. The potential loss of millions of lives in the future at the hands of today's evil men necessitate action.
In a separate correspondence, I am returning to you each and every Dixie Chicks CD and cassette that I have ever purchased. Never again will I allow my funds to support your behavior. All you have done is to add your name to a growing list of American "Celebrities" who have failed to realize that they have obtained their successes on the backs of the American blue-collar workers such as our servicemen and women.
To Natalie Maines: This Texan, this American will continue to risk his life to guarantee your freedoms. What will you do in return?
The outrage directed at Natalie Maines had little to do with her comments, and most everything to do with WHERE her comments were stated. Most EVERY American absolutely agrees with the right of one to dissent...IN AMERICA. To state this happened in OUR republic is far from the truth. The incident that perpetuated this happened on foreign soil. THAT is at the crux of the issue. The fallout of her statement is happening in our republic.
To argue, complain and air grievance about ones family in the presence of that family is absolutely normal and to be expected. To go to a foreign setting and complain about your family is at the very least an exercise in poor taste and in my perspective borderline treacherous.
If my wife, Deborah, is disgusted and ashamed of me because I pick my nose and belch; it is perfectly acceptable that she voices those complaints to me. It is understandable when she voices those complaints with our her mother...etc.
It would be abhorant for her to bring those matters up in a foreign, non family setting, say like a church function. What do we think of people that air their family matters on the Jerry Springer show?
Another thought that comes to mind is this. Liberals would want to protect the speech of Natalie Maines...then why not also protect the speech of those who oppose Natalie Maines? Is either perspective more legit than the other.
Furthermore, it's of interesting note that these comments came from a person who has never fought for anything in her life. The Dixie Chic's began to fight Sony music for unfair business dealings and had the momentum and clout to really make a difference in Nashville and for the rest of the recording industry. But then settled for an "Undisclosed Offer" as their suit was picking up speed and spent time thanking their music company who is "So Great" as they were picking up an ACM award.
They also promoted their CD "Home" as an album to return to "their roots" and performed totally acoustic..."Their Way", whether it got popular support or not. Well it did, and now they have re-mixes of their "Root" music complete with added electronica playing on pop music radio stations, (I.E. they changed the music for wider acceptance in top 40). Yes, I know these points are trite, but they are made to suggest that "Liberals" may want to pick someone else as their Champion of free speech as it is obvious that Natalie Maines and the Dixie Chics know nothing of principle and integrity (let alone foreign policy). Which leads to the question: Was Ms. Maines comments made to voice her opinion? Or in an attempt to gain popular support and shed any foreign held hatred for America in hopes for a successful European tour...It's pretty obvious that their motivation is monetary and populatrity as their business dealings indicate.
As far as this being fear (communist) tactics to silence one in dissent, that is an outrageous claim. It is obvious to anyone with a TV or radio that opposition to the war is getting far more air time on the big 3 networks (particularly with Peter Jennings who can't speak of the administration without turning up his nose) than those in support of the action. Which, as indicated by polls this morning, is running 71%
Take a moment to read (what has been purported as) an open letter to Ms. Natalie Maines from a Naval Officer (copied below). I don't know if it's legit, but it certainly states the perspective of a lot of Americans that have the same right to Free Speech as the Dixie Chics.
Isn't this a great country, that we can have this kind of dialogue!?!?
Your fellow American and fellow ESTP
Name: LT. Layne McDowell
Date: 03/15/03 Time: 01:54:49 PM
Comment: An open letter to the Dixie Chicks
Earlier this week, while performing in London, you stated that you were ashamed that our President is from your home state. I wonder if you realized how many Americans would be listening. This American was listening.
This Texan is ashamed that you come from my state. I serve my country as an officer in the United States Navy. Specifically, I fly F-14 Tomcats off carriers around the world, executing the missions that preserve the very freedom you claim to exercise.
I have proudly fought for my country in the skies over Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan without regret. Though I may disagree wholeheartedly with your comments, I will defend to the death our right to say them, in America. But for you to travel to a foreign country and publicly criticize our Commander in Chief is cowardice behavior.
Would you have so willingly made those comments while performing for a patriotic, flag-waving crowd of Texans in Lubbock? I would imagine not.
How dare you pocket profits off songs about soldiers, their deaths and patriotism while criticizing their Commander in Chief abroad, even while they prepare to give their lives to ensure your own freedom of speech.
Please ask yourself, what have you done to deserve that sacrifice? Do not try to justify your comments by claiming that you made them only because you care about innocent lives. Never once in our history have we committed troops to war for the purpose of taking innocent lives. We do it to protect innocent lives, even yours.
If the world leaders of the late 1930's had the vision and courage of our present Commander in Chief, perhaps the evil men who caused the death of millions in WWII would have never had the opportunity to harm a soul. The potential loss of millions of lives in the future at the hands of today's evil men necessitate action.
In a separate correspondence, I am returning to you each and every Dixie Chicks CD and cassette that I have ever purchased. Never again will I allow my funds to support your behavior. All you have done is to add your name to a growing list of American "Celebrities" who have failed to realize that they have obtained their successes on the backs of the American blue-collar workers such as our servicemen and women.
To Natalie Maines: This Texan, this American will continue to risk his life to guarantee your freedoms. What will you do in return?