Thursday, March 20, 2003

Comment to the Opposition

A short comment on opposition to military action in previously seen in Keith's Korner.

War sucks. War is Human Kind at it's worst. War means that we could not resolve differences through intellectual means. However, to assume that differences could be resolved in such a way, you would also have to assume that you are dealing with two rational, intellectual and stand up regimes.

The bottom line fact in regards to Military action in Iraq (which all those opposed to the war don't want to talk about) is this: We went to war in 1991 against Iraq with a very broad and active coalition and the blessing of the United Nations to expell Iraq from a violent invasion of a much, much smaller country. We ended that military action with mercy to the offending regime because we were successful in pushing them from Kuwait. As condition to end the action, Iraq aggreed to and signed agreements with consequences backed up by multiple UN Resolutions. They have ignored and violated the resolutions consistenenly over the last 10 years. These Resolutions all warned of military action as a consequence. We HAVE to act. We MUST act. We SHOULD have acted 10 years ago. People have forgotton.

Do people not remember how many times Bill Clinton wagged that crooked finger and said, "Saddam MUST disarm immediately or face consequences." Or, "Saddam MUST allow UN inspectors to do their job unobstructed or face consequences." The "Consequences" never came.

If we do not act, it leaves the door open for any tyrant to thumb their nose at the international community and do and destroy as they please. The fact is, that this administration just has the follow through to do what should have been done years ago. The UN does not.

If we do not act, we are no better than France.

If we do not act, our Government would be as immoral as Iraq's.

If we do not act, 9/11 would appear as childs play. This is not a mind that has fallen victim to U.S. propaganda. If you don't think that Saddam Hussein would use terrorist groups to strike America; or that terrorist groups would not seek his help if his weapons are available, then you have too soon forgotton the facts of 9/11.

If we do not act, the UN might as well be the League of Nations and the U.S. might as well cease to exsist. If we can not stand up to evil, then our motives are no better than evil. There is Dark and there is Light.

Yes, unfortunately we HAVE to be the watch dog of the world. God has put our nation in the position as the sole Super Power. That comes with responsibility. If you want to live in a country that doesn't live up to it's role, If you want to live in a country where the only action is INaction, If you want to live in a country of fools that live in a blind oblivion that has no morals, class, pride or cause to fight...Move to France.

God Bless you all, and moreover GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS!

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