Thursday, June 20, 2002

Open letter to Sue Crazy

A little background: The original intent of this open letter was: I wanted to read it before the jury and judge in a court case my wife was involved in as the result of a minor traffic accident. Particularly in the event of an excess judgement against us. FYI, the case settled on the Friday, just prior to the Monday we were to go in for jury selection. Thus, this is the first time this has been open to public...umm...err...Enjoyment?


I think we all know what the real goal is here. I mean, come on, "Permenantly Disabled". Let me tell you about being in a car accident:

I was driving my little japanese car, minding my own business, when a 16 year old kid in a big ol', early 1980's Cutlass Supreme ran a stop sign, with absolutely no room to stop or swerve, I T-Boned him at 65 miles per hour. Since the weight of my car is so much lighter than his, it was like hitting a brick wall, thus my car spun, hitting him again. I opened my eyes, and surprised that I was alive, began to pray. Then someone came knocking on the window telling me to get out of the car because it was on fire! In terrible pain, I fell out of the car and crawled to the ditch.

The bottom line here is thank God that I walked out of the emergency room that day with little more than some torn cartilidge a minor break. I had every right in the world to sue that kid for everything he was worth, I could have been a very wealthy man right now...monetarily speaking. But you know what? The simple truth is this, accidents happen. That is why we have insurance. Oh, and coincidently Ms. [name withheld], I was wearing my seatbelt and I did not hit the windshield as you claimed was possible in your scenario. Also, I was back to work 3 days later.

You take on an inherant risk by stepping out your front door every day. If you don't want to risk anything, stay in bed. Which is precisely what I believe Ms. [name withheld] wants to do. These are the facts of the case and they are indisputable: These 3 women were involved in a relatively slow speed traffic accident. The car that was carrying Ms. [name withheld] received little more that slight bumper damage and a broken headlight. The car carrying my wife was struck in a way that it took off the front bumper, which is easy to do on a little japanese car, and spun the car about 90 degrees. All three woman went to the Emergency Room and all were treated and released with only minor bruises.

The driver and owner of the car carrying Ms. [name withheld] settled with our insurance company a very short time after the accident. But Ms. [name withheld] has chosen to sue everyone involved. I believe this country should have a law like England, where a judge can rule a situation as a frivilous law suit, and the plantiff must pay all court costs and lawyers fees for both parties. If that was the case, I don't believe we would be here wasting all of your time today.

You see, this is what I think. I believe Ms. [name withheld] has been waiting for this moment all her life...I.E. an opportunity to get a lump sum of cash and get on SSI disability, which I'm learning, is the chief employer around here. That way she doesn't have to ever work again (if she ever had in the first place). Well my insurance company has repeatedly asked her lawyer for documentation from a doctor showing she has received this injury, and their offer would be very happily raised to compensate. I'm sure her claims are the two non provable injuries, "Ouch my back, ouch my neck". They asked for this documentation in Jan, Feb, Mar, and Apr. Never got it. But they did get the notice that she's going to court. Is everything adding up here???

Anyhow, this whole situation has thrust us into becoming just another eastern Kentucky statistic. I just pray that God allows truth to win out over greed in this situation. I mean sure, we have good insurance that will take care of everything, but we'll still pay for it eventually...we ALL will, in the form of higher premiums.

I am just totally sick of dealing with Leeches in this society...good for nothing parasites that suck the life blood from honest hard working Americans. It perplexes me to no end, how these people can sleep at night. Well listen here Ms. [name withheld], It's you, and everyone like you, that will run this country into the ground. You worthless, lazy, parasite...don't you understand that your actions do nothing but weaken this country and put dollars into the pockets of the Leeches in suits (lawyers). You take money from the hard working people who are just trying to do what's right, so you can afford your Pot, Oxycontin, Crack, or whatever your master may be...twinkies, oreo's, liquor. And those honest hard working people you work so tirelessly to break are the ones who keep this country moving.

You, Ms. [name withheld], have single handedly weakened Breathitt county today. You see, I am a hard working, loyal civil servant and veteran who contributes to his community and takes an active role in society. Lord knows how long I would have lived and commerced and contributed to Jackson, but now ma'am...You have convinced me that it is in my best interest to bid out of Jackson and take the first transfer out of Eastern Kentucky that I am eligible for. Thus this county has lost two hard working, dependable, tax paying, contributing members. Oh but the joy Breathitt must feel. It will never loose you.

One of these days, you people will eventually win out. We will stop working. We will stop doing what's right. And your worthless carcass will dry up and die, because you have no way to support yourself. You haven't learned one of life's most important lessons...that only by the grace of God above, and the strength He gives man, does one prosper, to make our own choices, to decide what role we will play in life. Hard times will come. Challenges will arise. It's what one does in those times that defines and molds their character. Well Ms. [name withheld], you have made your choice. Your character is being molded and is becoming clearer. And it resembles that of a shapeless, slimy slug, that exists just to simply exist...slurp slurp slurping on your host. Well I say this, "Bring it on." You people may eventually win, but not without a fight. You may get your earthly reward, and I hope you choke on it, only to discover you have no heavenly reward. I had better stop, because the longer I continue, the more I start to feel sorry for you. For the simple truth is this: You are a loser. And no amount of money can change that. But God can, and I strongly suggest you get to know him.

The endless quest for this Golden Calf that occurs in eastern Kentucky, more particulalry Breathitt County perplexes me and leads me to another thought. Is this what Roosevelt intended? Is this what all those Democrats fought for all those years? Social Security and Welfare...Social progams...It sorrows me to know I have good friends in the military that are willing to lay down their lives for our freedoms, yet our freedoms are diminishing, and this country is moving ever closer, each day, to Socialism. This country was founded on the principles that Man has the right to exist and live solely for His God and himself...nothing else, unless he should choose to, and has the right to commerce as he sees fit, within the law of course. His responsibilities were to himself, his God and his family. It's those types of freedoms, that allow men to be and make men responsible. The sense of duty and obligation is practically instilled at birth. But when you take God from public sight and stick him in a closet...when you attempt to legislate morality...when you make care of family responsibility of The State, what does man have left to live for. He is essentially freed of his responsibility and allowed to live as the animals. All's he really has to do is exist, for the sole purpose of existence. Oh, and pay taxes...cause now we have to fund all these programs that rids one of their responsibility.

Mr. Roosevelt, was this your intention? That those who can't or don't work and therefore don't contribute to the enormous pot of money called Washington D.C., get the greatest benefit. Meanwhile, those who contribute the most, don't use a bit of it? THAT, my friends is Socialism. Men existing and working for the welfare of the collective. That is NOT why men shed their blood to make this country great and free. That was NOT the intention of our forefathers.
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