Saturday, December 31, 2005

Response to Frank Michels

***Originally titled, "An Unsent Response..." to this moron who had an editorial in our local paper about the Bush/NSA "Spy Controversy". After reading the comment by Jeff, and having a change of heart, I did in fact edit the letter (and my original post seen here) for language and (just a little bit) for tact. I sent the letter yesterday, and reposted here today (Sun. the 1st).***

Dear Editor,

I had written the below response last week after reading the column, “Paper Radio…” by Frank Michels which addressed the recent NSA “Spying Controversy”, then cast it aside as “unkind”…not the “Christian” thing to do. In retrospect, it bothered me for days…the notion that some pundits get to spew lies and go unchallenged. Should no one refute, it may bolster their misguided ego…that they might be in the “right”. That simply can not be left unchecked.

Furthermore, your so-called “Online Poll” question on your website is so skewed to produce a certain answer, that the results are guaranteed to be a predetermined factor with an “Anti-Bush” stance. Why don’t you change the question to (the much more accurate), “Should President Bush have the authority to intercept communications of individuals suspected to have terrorist links, even if they are U.S. Citizens?”. I would anticipate a much different response.

So with that said, I have fished the following out of the “recycle-bin” and humbly submit it to you for publication. Feel free to include the above introduction.

The column penned by Frank Michels “Paper Radio…” is riddled with half-truths and liberal propaganda. So much so, that Mr. Michels should be ashamed of himself and no free thinker should take his feculent editorial seriously. I am so tired of liberals of his ilk, who spin half truths in an attempt to manipulate the mind of the average reader who may not research, or seek out balanced news and opinion. At least I hope he has that, or some other, intent…other than trying to appear like some educated champion of freedom and democracy (because his half-wit rhetoric testifies to the contrary). Thank God for the internet and cable news…that we don’t have to rely solely upon the Gaylord Herald Times and CBS for current events information.

Mr. Michels: The program in question (in its current use) was established with the approval of a bi-partisan contingent of Congressman nodding their approval. Both Democrats and Republicans have stepped forward and admitted that they HAD been briefed by the White House on what was to happen. It’s only after the unfortunate leak of this classified program, that some politicians have distanced themselves from it and are shaking their finger at the President…an obvious, unabashed maneuver for political gain.

Mr. Michels states over and over again, that President Bush authorized surveillance on U.S. Citizens; conveniently leaving out the VERY IMPORTANT FACT that these phone calls were FOREIGN CALLS (which places the activity directly into NSA jurisdiction) to and from “Citizens” that had suspected ties to terrorism, Al-Qaeda or foreign governments and/or officials known to support terrorism.

Furthermore, this has been a practice exercised by Presidents beginning with Carter, through the current (at last count…that includes two Democrats, including your ‘Golden Boy’ Slick Willie). It is a program that was reviewed every 45 days to ensure it was being properly applied. (Sir, I work for the Federal Government…and NOTHING is EVER reviewed every 45 days for relevance). The above facts have NEVER been disputed…just left out.

First off, I don’t care if you are technically a “Citizen” of this country…if you’re cavorting with any of the above, not only do you deserve to be spied on, you ought to expect it! I certainly hope…no, DEMAND that my government law enforcement officials spy on ANYONE talking to terrorists or governments that support them, be they a U.S. citizen or not! That’s why we pay them! That’s their job, for crying out loud!

Mr. Michels (that IS the French spelling, isn’t it?), WE ARE AT WAR! With people who want to kill us regardless of our beliefs, thoughts, actions, voting record, etc. Mr. Michels, the terrorists that seek to destroy the American way of life would be ecstatic to take a knife and slit you wide open from your throat to [left to your imagination] and display your spilled guts on the internet, claiming it all as an act of RIGHTEOUSNESS! They don’t care if you love them and hate America or not (Not that I’m accusing you of that, but if it quacks…).

Have you ever served your country Mr. Michels? Or are you one who just sits back and reaps the benefits of the deaths of countless soldiers that have died to support your ability to publicly display your one sided ignorance.

I have served this country…both as Serviceman and Civilian. I have learned (especially after 9/11) that you do what ever it takes to protect our citizens and our way of life. I also feel I have earned this chance to spew my ignorance as well, so take the following for what it’s worth: If you can’t form an intelligent argument by providing a reader with all the facts, then just maybe you are cerebrally unsuited to grace the editorial pages.

Keith Berger
Bagley Township

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