Saturday, June 04, 2005


I find myself shamed into blogging from the esteemed gentleman to my right...(see Jeff's Blog Link in margin).

While there is not a terrible lot going on in this brain of mine...I have been physically active lately with interesting projects of one type or another.

Here's the latest:

Swingset- Daddy has finally come through and built a swing set for Bethany!!!  She is quite happy with it...though through it's construction, I have realized my child has no vision.

When buying it in the store, I showed her a picture of the kit and asked if she liked it...she said no. When the supplies arrived (a couple boxes of accessories and a lage stack of lumber) I told her that her swingset was here and I was going to build it...she said "Where". After assembling the skelleton of the climbing section, she took a look and asked, "What is that"...I told her "Your swingset"...she asked, "Who's going to build it?" To make a long story fully constructed, she's in love with it and is very appreciative. "Thanks for my swing and slide Daddy, it makes me sooooooo happy". Priceless.

Pregnancy- Deb and Baby are doing very well! Deb is really showing, though still 2 pounds below pre-pregnancy weight. She has registered at Baby's R' US, as her friends in KY have insisted on throwing her a baby shower. We are still unaware of the gender of the little tyke. We had another ultrasound on Wednesday, but the legs were clamped shut and despite prodding and shaking, that child was not going to show. Maybe, FINALLY, I'll have a modest little girl! It is a battle to keep Bethany (and at times Deb) in their clothes. It'll be a surprise come September. Boy or Girl I care not...Just PLEASE GOD a healthy child and mother.

Softball- After two summers off...I'm playing softball again. We got a NWS team, comprised mostly of office members with a few outside friends. It will be fun...I will get excercise...those are the only two guarentees. other guarentee...we'll suck. But it'll be fun!

Well...other than work (which I rarely discuss, as you all well know), that is about all the excitement. We're looking forward to summer and some time on the beach. Y'all Come by!

God Bless!

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