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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Have you ever had writers block to this point: It just took 4 hours to open this edit window...and another 10 minutes to write this sentence.
I think that's what sets wannabees like me apart from real writers though...I donno'. However, with that said, apparently even the Crack Young Staff at The Hatemongers Quarterly have off days...but not really.
Okee let's talk 'bout my doin's.
Curling- I'm curling this year! You know, that weird looking sport you see in the winter olympics with dudes hurling 50 pound rocks down the ice, and sweeping out in front of said rock.
My boss is the president of the local curling club, and shamed me into playing this year. No shame really...they were a couple guys short for their Monday night league, and I always wanted to get more into it so.....
It is great fun. I will start to update you on our/my progress, but since every single key stroke is virtually painful right now, I won't get too much into it. Other than to say we are currently undefeated!!! 2 & 0 baby!
I was having a retrospective day this past week and was using the internet to look up (read stalking here) some old high school friends I haven't seen in a while. Anyhoo, I managed to find the e-mail address of my theatre teacher and sent her an e-mail. She has responded and we hope to get together some time to catch up.
Anyone who knows me, generally knows that I didn't really "Go to School" my senior year. My daily schedule consisted of spending 90 minutes in Burger King, 90 Minutes at the hardware store, and 6 hours in the Theatre, "working" on sets, lighting and sound...pumping Metalicca through the 500 watt Yamaha sound system, and trying to lure co-eds in to the sound room to make out. Unfortunately for me, the last only happened on rare occasion. only happened once. But dang it, you can't blame a guy for trying.
At any rate, KC (the theatre teacher) was the coolest. It was her first job out of college. I recall, at first, not being open to a new theatre teacher, as I was pretty close to the one that had just left (Mrs. Mack) and had already been assigned to be her teachers assistant. Mrs. Mack resigned...I think (early retirement maybe?). She had a rough year, with her Mom dying, only daughter moving to NY...and this is only a from teenage boys perception, but I think she was probably a very high maintenance wife and her husband didn't seem too engaged. I think she was very depressed...but I digress.
So in walks "Ms. Corbielle" animated, funny, young and attractive lady. I was going to have this teacher for at least 3 periods each day: 1- Theatre Arts, 2- speech (public speaking), and 3- Teachers Assistant. Not to mention, I managed to fanagle my way out of Algebra, into a 1st period "Madrigals" class.
[Explanation: Madrigals was like advanced choir...the only thing is, there was no 1st period "Madrigals". It was a class invented for me by Mr. Mitchell, the music teacher and theatre manager, so I could help maintain the theatre, lights, sound, etc. You were only allowed one period of being a T.A. and I already had that, but he needed my help. Well my Algebra skills weren't cutting it, so it was a perfect match.]
So that makes 4 hours of SCHEDULED Theatre time. By the end of the week, I knew it was going to be a good year...and it was. Ms. Corbielle (Kendra) became KC...I had a hard time with a "Hip", young teacher being a "Ms. Insertlastnamehere" title. She may have as well, I don't know. But either way, it caught on and even after she married and her last name became "Knight", she remained KC for at least a couple subsequent classes.
At any rate, I have great memories from that time...and it should be fun to rekindle that friendship. I know she has since re-married and now has a child...and we all know how those change your lives, so it should be interesting.
Alright, I need to get off here.
Y'all behave,
Curling fact of the day: The "FREE GUARD ZONE" is the area between the hog line and the tee line, excluding the house.
I think that's what sets wannabees like me apart from real writers though...I donno'. However, with that said, apparently even the Crack Young Staff at The Hatemongers Quarterly have off days...but not really.
Okee let's talk 'bout my doin's.
Curling- I'm curling this year! You know, that weird looking sport you see in the winter olympics with dudes hurling 50 pound rocks down the ice, and sweeping out in front of said rock.
My boss is the president of the local curling club, and shamed me into playing this year. No shame really...they were a couple guys short for their Monday night league, and I always wanted to get more into it so.....
It is great fun. I will start to update you on our/my progress, but since every single key stroke is virtually painful right now, I won't get too much into it. Other than to say we are currently undefeated!!! 2 & 0 baby!
I was having a retrospective day this past week and was using the internet to look up (read stalking here) some old high school friends I haven't seen in a while. Anyhoo, I managed to find the e-mail address of my theatre teacher and sent her an e-mail. She has responded and we hope to get together some time to catch up.
Anyone who knows me, generally knows that I didn't really "Go to School" my senior year. My daily schedule consisted of spending 90 minutes in Burger King, 90 Minutes at the hardware store, and 6 hours in the Theatre, "working" on sets, lighting and sound...pumping Metalicca through the 500 watt Yamaha sound system, and trying to lure co-eds in to the sound room to make out. Unfortunately for me, the last only happened on rare occasion. only happened once. But dang it, you can't blame a guy for trying.
At any rate, KC (the theatre teacher) was the coolest. It was her first job out of college. I recall, at first, not being open to a new theatre teacher, as I was pretty close to the one that had just left (Mrs. Mack) and had already been assigned to be her teachers assistant. Mrs. Mack resigned...I think (early retirement maybe?). She had a rough year, with her Mom dying, only daughter moving to NY...and this is only a from teenage boys perception, but I think she was probably a very high maintenance wife and her husband didn't seem too engaged. I think she was very depressed...but I digress.
So in walks "Ms. Corbielle" animated, funny, young and attractive lady. I was going to have this teacher for at least 3 periods each day: 1- Theatre Arts, 2- speech (public speaking), and 3- Teachers Assistant. Not to mention, I managed to fanagle my way out of Algebra, into a 1st period "Madrigals" class.
[Explanation: Madrigals was like advanced choir...the only thing is, there was no 1st period "Madrigals". It was a class invented for me by Mr. Mitchell, the music teacher and theatre manager, so I could help maintain the theatre, lights, sound, etc. You were only allowed one period of being a T.A. and I already had that, but he needed my help. Well my Algebra skills weren't cutting it, so it was a perfect match.]
So that makes 4 hours of SCHEDULED Theatre time. By the end of the week, I knew it was going to be a good year...and it was. Ms. Corbielle (Kendra) became KC...I had a hard time with a "Hip", young teacher being a "Ms. Insertlastnamehere" title. She may have as well, I don't know. But either way, it caught on and even after she married and her last name became "Knight", she remained KC for at least a couple subsequent classes.
At any rate, I have great memories from that time...and it should be fun to rekindle that friendship. I know she has since re-married and now has a child...and we all know how those change your lives, so it should be interesting.
Alright, I need to get off here.
Y'all behave,
Curling fact of the day: The "FREE GUARD ZONE" is the area between the hog line and the tee line, excluding the house.
I want to blog...I feel the need to blog. But, blah...I got nothing! My thought of the moment is:
Geesh, I was feeling old when my nose hair was really growing, which requires plucking (Yes, I pluck...not trim. I understand this is painful...I'm just macho-tough that way) almost weekly. But NOW...Said nose hair is turning grey. Holy Crap! Not only nose hair, but grey nose hair.
It's a darn good thing I can't see into my ears.
Geesh, I was feeling old when my nose hair was really growing, which requires plucking (Yes, I pluck...not trim. I understand this is painful...I'm just macho-tough that way) almost weekly. But NOW...Said nose hair is turning grey. Holy Crap! Not only nose hair, but grey nose hair.
It's a darn good thing I can't see into my ears.