Wednesday, March 20, 2002

The Kiss of God

I have confirmed many of the facts friends and family have told me about Parenthood...and at the same time dispelled many rumors as well. The main thing I've come to expect is not to expect anything. That is my mantra, that is my advice to future parents...It's all different...for everyone. Save this one common theme, "Time" will never be the same.

"Time" in the common sense...there is no more. Should you find some, then it is sipped and cherished like a very rare and expensive wine of the likes you don't expect to ever find again. Should you find some (time that is, not wine) you don't want a phone on your ear, a keyboard under your hands, a tv in your face. The immensely invaluable sound of silence is precious. Then, inevitably, it happens...the silence is disturbed by a whimper...a cry...a "Dadadada..mmmm, mamama...BAH!!!" But you know what...that cry, whimper or babble is the most harmonious, most beautiful, angelic like music.

You find yourself at odds with yourself, missing the fleeting silence but thanking God for the voice that broke it. And sometimes...this voice, that disturbs/needs/wants attention is even sought for. There are times when at 6:00 am on a day off, you hear the voice on the other end of the baby monitor. You know you should be upset/discouraged/bothered by the fact that, this 5 hours of sleep stuff is for the birds...but your not. As a matter of fact, you sit and listen...and sometimes feel a little sad when the voice stops, because it's going back to sleep...and you won't be able to hear it again...for a little while anyway.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have felt the Kiss of God. A pure warm bear hug from The Almighty...I have felt it! It's that feeling that wells up from your stomach, burns your heart and gets balled up in your throat when that little girl smiles and kicks 'cause her daddy is home. It happens when the girl is screaming her lungs out in the middle of the occurs that very moment when her cheek touches your shoulder and the crying stops...'cause her daddy's got her.

Yes folks, time is's been replaced by Love. The real thing...the real deal. It's why going to work doesn't quite stink as bad as it used to...because there's a toothless mouth that needs that nasty looking mush. It's why coming home is even 100 fold better than it was before. And it blows my mind that this of love in which I'm privileged to take part is but a fraction of the Love that God has for us all.

Yes...time, peace, life as we knew it is gone...PRAISE GOD, I'd have it no other way. So forgive me when the phone isn't answered, or an e-mail isn't responded to, or the website isn't updated. I'll try when I can, but in the meantime...I'm busy being Bethany's Daddy.

Y'all Take care of yourselves!
God Bless,

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