Wednesday, June 20, 2001

Religous People Rant

Religious People & Christians

What do I believe is one of the worst insults you can throw at a Christian? Say that they're a "Religious Person". I thought this was a commonly known thing, but in a lot of my conversations with non-believers, or apathetic people, or even "Religious People" for that matter, I have found that not many people understand the difference between being "Religious" and being a Christian.

I often find myself using the "R" word, but sometimes it's the only way you can convey your point. Simply said, it's the difference between "Religion" and "Relationship". There are many "Religious" people in churches across this country every Sunday...and at risk of being judgmental, I would say a whole bunch of them could be classified as such. To help clear things up, I would like to make some simple comparisons, that may show my point better than my babblings.

A "Religious Person" say's if you don't go to church, you'll end up in Hell. A Christian knows that you'll only end up in Hell if you don't know Jesus.

A "Religious Person" says, you shouldn't drink, smoke, chew, swear etc. A Christian knows that God loves them and accepts them for who they are, warts and all. Not to say He loves everything you do, but he loves you DESPITE what you do.

A "Religious Person" is awful proud of themselves for all the charitable donations they make, and all the money they give to the church. A Christian knows that it's all Gods anyway, and sometimes a nickel is much more than a $100 bill.

A "Religious Person" thinks that if they're good to people, don't steal, and perform good works that they are somehow more righteous than the next guy, and this will win them points in heaven. A Christian knows that they are saved by grace through their faith alone, and absolutely nothing else. They may perform good works, but they realize that their works are but filthy rags when compared to the gifts from God.

A "Religious Person" thinks that long prayers are impressive, and that if they have the gift of tongues they are somehow more "Religious" than someone who doesn't have such a gift. A Christian knows that when it comes down to it, it's that time you spend in secret, quiet conversation with God that matters, and what you say in that time is irrelevant.

A "Religious Person" treats atheists/agnostics/unbelievers like they are doomed, and don't associate
themselves with such people. A Christian knows that his actions are more important than his words to the lost, tries to treat all people with the love that God has for them (believer or not) and realizes that only a sick man needs a doctor.

"Religious People" killed Christ, and still kill new ideas today. They think worship should be done a certain way, when you wear certain things and only in a certain setting.

"Religious People" point out a speck in your eye when they have a plank in their own.

Hopefully you get my point.

Am I a "Religious Person"? I don't think a "Religious Person" would think so, I don't live act or dress like a "Holy Roller". Am I a Christian? Not a very good one...what ever that means. You see, I struggle (as I think most of us do) sometimes with becoming a "Religious Person", it is one of the biggest challenges as a Christian. In my area, there are a TON of "Religious People". Folks that are so caught up in Legalism, that they have lost the sight of the big picture. They have forgot to "Keep the main thing, the Main Thing" as the old song goes. It's quite discouraging, and set's up snares that are easy to get caught up in. So much so, that in defending my freedoms or judging their actions, I often lose sight of the "Main Thing" myself. It's something I'm not proud of, that I wish I could and am trying to change.

So why am I saying all of this? Well, everyone has their "Testimony", I guess I'm just trying to share some insight into my mind. I wish I had some great Conversion Story, like being a drug addict, or a big gambler, or adulterer that was miraculously saved and has changed his ways, but I don't. From childhood, I've always known there is a God. I didn't KNOW him though until I was 22, when I surrendered to him. Sure I've done things I was not proud of...still do...all too often. But for the most part I've been a good (in worldly standards) kid. Served in the military, never done drugs, never been in jail, paid all my bills, get up and go to work every day. But it's just the difference in knowing that I now have a relationship with the Living God. A real relationship.

My biggest challenge is when I talk to people who are non-believers that basically dismiss all I say as bunk...simply because they choose not to believe. It makes me sad for them, but that's what it all comes down's a personal choice. They say there's no God. To me, that would be like me saying to them, "Well, I've never met your dad, so therefore I don't believe you have one." It's that real, and I'm that confident in my relationship with Him.

I have had "Religious People" quote to me the verse from Revelations that talks about being on fire for God, not "luke warm". To many Christians and Religious people alike, that may seem to be my case. My only defense is this: God knows my heart. He knows yours too.

So here's my thing: I basically have written this for folks who don't necessarily believe...because for one reason or another, they think that "Religion" ain't their bag. I hear ya', it isn't mine either. There is a quote, I don't know who said it (it's in a DC Talk song) but it goes, "The single greatest cause of atheism today is Christians [Religious People] who acknowledge Christ with their lips, and go on to deny Him with their lifestyle...That is what an unbelieving world finds unbelievable." I don't think it's necessarily the people who acknowledge Christ with their lips and then go have a social drink, or get a speeding ticket or listen to rock and roll music that the speaker has mentioned here that turns away the unbeliever. I think it's the "Religious
People" who claim to know a God who is Love and accepting of people the way they are, and then they put themselves on a pedestal of righteousness and do nothing but judge, ridicule, point fingers...The "Holier Than Thou" types, that turn away the unbelievers. And understandably so, who would want to be that way. Not me, (and here's the thing) Not Jesus either.

These same type of "Holier than Thou", "Religious" people came to Jesus, dragging a naked woman who was caught in the very act of adultery. (this illustration is paraphrased) They basically tried to bushwhack him. They said, "OK Mr. Son of God, you know the law and the law says, when someone is caught in the act of adultery, they are to be stoned to death. Well here she is, we caught her IN THE ACT! What do you say we do." After a long pause and some scribbles in the sand, Jesus said, "OK, Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". In a moment, these people had been convicted in their hearts and realized there was none among them that was qualified, and left the woman. Jesus said, "Where are they who condemned you?". "They are gone" she said (quite relieved I'm sure). And Jesus said, "Then neither do I condemn you. Go, and sin no more."

This I know: There is a God in heaven that loves you so much, that he sent his only Son to earth and thus death so that you could be with Him. Try to put that in a setting today. Would you let someone kill your Mom, Dad, Sister...your only child so that someone who doesn't even know you could live? I know that if you haven't read the bible or studied biblical history, that all this "Death" and "Killing" talk probably doesn't make much sense, and why would you want anything to do with that anyway...But it's to emphasize the great price that was paid so that YOU could know Him. I also know this: He is a faithful, caring Father and if you only take a step...make the personal choice to try to find Him, He will show himself to you. But YOU have to make that decision.

A fool proof way to start. Just like you see on obligation necessary! I'm not going to tell you to come join my church, or go be apart of "Group X" or send money to anything. Actually, quite the opposite, I think someone needs to find their faith on their own. Make your own decision, based on your own findings and not those of someone else. Don't get me wrong, there are good people who can point you in the right direction, or let you know what they think. But it's got to be YOUR faith that drives you. If you make an honest attempt to find God, he'll give you all the help you need.

Start with a bible in hand, and just say (pray) to Him, "God, show yourself to me." then open up that bible and read. If you've never cracked a bible before, my recommendation would be to start in the new testament with one of the 4 gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John). The gospels tell about the life and ministry of Jesus, then maybe follow up with the Book of Acts, it tells about the early body of believers and how God's plan spread. All the books after acts are different letters written by the apostles (a lot of them from the apostle Paul, my personal hero) to the early church.

If you do decide to start going to a church, I would recommend a Bible Teaching, non-denominational church...(less spiritual baggage so to speak), the important thing there is BIBLE teaching. And remember, I don't care how good the preachers, teachers, priests, ministers, whatever...they are only men and ALL men are sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. A "Religious Person" might deny this, A Christian knows it's true. Use the bible to hold them accountable for what they say, and call them out on the carpet if they contradict it. If they say the bible is wrong, leave. A "Religious Person" may be put off or offended by this, A Christian will appreciate you for it.

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